Monday, July 26, 2010

DYFS Came!!!!

She didn't cancel!!!! She came on Friday at 4PM to do Jimmy's interview and check the repairs. This worker is soooo sweet and kind. I really like her a lot. She's really laid back and friendly. Jimmy liked her and she was able to take some of the DYFS bitterness out of his mouth. Im starting to fix the room. Our good friends gave us a bed and I bought a Sponge Bob comforter for it. Sponge Bob is universal for a girl/boy...right? The weather is pretty cool so I am going to take advantage of it and finish the Sponge Bob ocean room! I am getting so excited! This summer has been awesome. My only prayer is that we "get" a child before I go back to work so I can get use to the transition. Jennifer (our worker) said that our case "should be" approved before August 12th. But then she said, But........I am going on vacation so it could be later. Jimmy said that's fine, no rush! I closed my mouth and prayed for God's will be done. I'm getting scared and excited! Cant wait to see God's plan. Its funny because He is working on my heart....not on fostering, but other things... patience and perseverance! He wants me to get my spending under control and He is changing my heart on what I truly want to do in my church. Pray that I submit to His will. I want him to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me. Just love Him!

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