Monday, November 22, 2010

Burnt Out

I come to you today dear reader at the end of my ropes......I am physically and mentally burnt out with DYFS, specifically all involved with Zachary. I have NEVER EVER EVER encountered such disgrace in so many people, so many workers and even supervisors. The people that I have spoken to about "our judge ordered right to have Zachary within ten days" are so ignorant, cruel, LAZY, and LAZY. They say we will call you back, but never do...........they say they cant get their work done if I keep calling.......They hang up on me............They lie to me........They make me feel like I am a pycho path crazy person. DO YOUR JOB thats all I ask.....give me a plan....dont just say I'll call you back and never do! My head feels like its going to explode. I need prayers. I need major prayers!!!!

I guess I need prayers for a PLAN! A DYFS PLAN! The judge told them they have 10 days, but somehow, someway I feel DYFS is in a league higher than the judge. I can hear them now, "Your Honor....for the safety and well being of this child....we need more time." Then more time......then more has been two months for Heaven's sake!!!!! I need a plan from them. Its only then will I start preparing physically for Zack (putting his clothes and toys out). I need major prayers for a plan.......a solid plan and (of course) a sound mind.

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