Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Girl, Hannah

I will never forget the day that I found out that I was pregnant with Hannah. I was so happy! I was my turn...I am going to be a mommy! I busted out my maternity clothes before the two lines read positive :) I haven't stopped smiling since. I wanted. to be a mom long before I could remember and it was happening.....I was going to be a momma! On July 22, 2002, my Hannah was born and I fell in love from the start. She was so cute and I remember just sitting and looking at her all day long (literally). She was (and still is) perfect. My girl completes my life. She is simply incredible. As she gets older, we grow closer and closer. She is my bestest bud and I love to hang out with her. She makes me laugh, she teaches me about GOD, and she's just....perfect. My perfect gift from God. My Hannah.

She knows we are going to be foster parents and she is excited. We thought that God was closing the door for us and foster care and she was really upset. But now that the door is open again, I dont really tell her too much about foster care because I don't want to upset her more if God closes the door again.....My biggest worry about fostering a child is her. I can deal with the aches and pains of losing a child we have taken care of...but can she? I keep reminding her that we are only "loving" the child until his/her mom gets better....we are not keeping them. During her foster care interview with our worker Hannah asked, "What if the mom doesnt get better? Do we get to keep her (notice she says her, she wants only a girl)?" So shes thinking about that...

During the winter we had the pleasure of hosting a orphan from Ukraine named Julia. Julia was hard to manage. She was only 6, in a different country, and did not speak English. It was a stressful time with her, and I could see it in Hannah the stress that having her was taking on our family. Julia was scary (she did scary things) and I was afraid for Hannah to be alone with her. Did you ever see the movie Orphan?????? Scary, right? That was our Julia...

Please pray that fostering a child will be different and not so stressful for our family. Please pray that Hannah will not be scared and that we can manage this child's behavior with the help from God. Also please pray that if this is not God's will for our family that the door will shut.

1 comment:

  1. MIchele, I am so glad you are chronicling your journey! I wish I would have started blogging from the beginning. I am praying for God to reveal Himself in mighty ways to your family through your willingness to open your home and hearts. Thank you again for sharing your story!
